Thursday, January 27, 2011


Lost 0.6 lbs when I weighed in today.  Good enough, all things considered.

My husband turned 40 earlier in the month, but we are finally going to be celebrating it this weekend.  We are leaving the kids with their godparents (thanks J and D) and heading to the big city for two nights of fun.  And here is what I have decided.  I am going to continue the injections, but I am not going to be strict with protocol.  I'm going to enjoy a cappuccino if we go to a coffee house.  I am going to enjoy whatever gluten-free entree I can find at the nice restaurants we have reservations with.  I need an escape from my daily life more than anything right now and I have given myself permission to escape Dr. Simeon for 2 days.  I will deal with the consequences.

We head out of town tomorrow morning.  I will post again next Monday.

Thanks for all your support,

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your trip! Those are the same rules I set during the Holidays and my choices quickly fell off when returning to protocol! Good Luck!
