Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Woot! Down 1.6 since Monday! Yay!

I missed posting yesterday because I was home again, but not with a sick kiddo. This time was a scheduled day off for both my husband and me. Was it a romantic day together catching up and rekindling our romance? Sadly no. Sigh. We had to take the day off so we could work around our house while the kids were in school/daycare. Yesterday was devoted to our garage. We spent the entire day getting rid of stuff and unpacking those boxes that have been in there since we moved (17 months ago!). And we kicked butt. That garage looks amazing now.

All that work really wiped me out. I was so tired at the end of the day. And today I am sore. I am sure that pilates and full garage cleaning in one day was a bit much, but it had to be done. And today I find myself not feeling 100% (could be allergies) and I am hungrier than usual. I think my muscles are screaming for more food. That reminds me, I should take my amino acids supplement....that should help.

Okay, nothing exciting on the food front. Wanna see my menu today? It is soooo exciting.
B: MR shake
S: amino acid supplement
L: fat free cottage cheese (heard it was okay once in awhile), cucumbers
S: apple, amino acid supplement
D: burgers, veggie
S: amino acid supplement

I know, I know. I am having burgers again. The very same thing that caused me to lose control a couple of weeks ago. I need to try them again. I will not freak out and eat the leftovers. It hurt too badly last time. It wasn't worth it.

Wish me luck,


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