Thursday, October 28, 2010

R2P3D15 (+2.2 LIW)

Oh no!  Up above the safety zone again.  So, I have never done a steak day.  I looked it up and found this on HCG Coach:

It is absolutely imperative that the Steak Day be done IMMEDIATELY the day the 2 lb limit is breached. If this is not done, it is counterproductive to do a Steak Day the next day, or to do 2 in a row, as this will skew the hypothalamus' function again so that it will slow metabolism and increase cravings. The reason Steak Day works is that more calories were eaten the day prior and the body can have the reduced calories and respond correctly the very next day. But when a Steak Day follows a day that did not include additional calories, it will not respond correctly.

So, according to this, I have messed up.  I should have done this a couple of days ago when I first popped up to more than 2 lbs over LIW.  And now I am over again and still didn't do it right.  I really need to get to the store and stock up on steaks. 

So, what do you think?  Should I use the weight I am tomorrow as my new LIW/LDW as this suggests:
When the Steak Day is missed for the correct day, the correct procedure is to take one's weight on the following day as the new LDW (Last Dose Weight), and then proceed from there to do the Steak Day correction if the weight exceeds 2 lbs above this new LDW.

Or should I follow this:
"If the Steak Day is missed for the correct day or postponed to the next day, dieters need to follow several days of strict dieting in order to correct the situation."  Then do I use my original LIW? 

Help!!  I want to normalize and keep my weight off until I do another round in January.

What do you recommend that I do?  What do you do?

Thanks for the help, enjoy the day,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Follow P&I - no where in there does it say anything about you messing up the hypothalamus if you don't do the steak day correctly. P&I says:

    "Skipping a Meal

    As long as their weight stays within two pounds of the weight reached on the day of the last injection, patients should take no notice of any increase but the moment the scale goes beyond two pounds, even if this is only a few
    ounces, they must on that same day entirely skip breakfast and lunch but take plenty to drink. In the evening they must eat a huge steak with only an apple or a raw tomato. Of course this rule applies only to the morning weight...

    ...It is of utmost importance that the meal is skipped on the same day as the scale registers an increase of more than two pounds and that missing the meals is not postponed until the following day. If a meal is skipped on the
    day in which a gain is registered in the morning this brings about an immediate drop of often over a pound. But if the skipping of the meal - and skipping means literally skipping, not just having a light meal - is postponed the phenomenon does not occur and several days of strict dieting may be necessary to correct the situation."

  3. PS - where did you read that other information???

  4. Too true - do the steak day and see where you end up! All is not lost!
